Dell drops Streak 7, backs out of Android tablets in US

Why can’t PC manufacturers release a credible iPad competitor? Continue reading

Dell drops Streak 7, backs out of Android tablets in US:

Like HP, Dell is believed to be putting most of its faith in Windows 8 tablets for the US market. It won’t have this option until mid-to-late 2012, however, and will essentially concede its share of mobile tablets for a year.

(Via MacNN | The Macintosh News Network)

Why can’t PC manufacturers release a credible iPad competitor?  Execution of course has been lacking by announcing tablets so early the market had moved on to more advanced tablets, but that begs a serious question: Why is Dell behind?

Now That’s Drinking the Kool-Aid

Q&A: Microsoft’s Windows marketing chief says Apple’s ‘scared’ | Business Center | Macworld:

“I think [the way] they’re responding to our advertising is a reflection of what’s happening out in the market (both IDC and the NPD Group show Mac sales dropping in the U.S. in recent months).
They’re scared. The Ad Age survey shows how our brand is coming alive through three things: the ads, hitting our commitment to build a fantastic product with Windows 7, and around delivering the truth about the ‘Apple tax’ and the value you get when you go with Windows.”

(Via Macworld.)

It’s hard not to laugh at such delusions. Apple isn’t sleeping on Microsoft, but scared? Jokes. I love the misdirection on the sales figures. Every manufacturer saw their sales slump, except Apple saw it’s sales slump the least. Notice no mention in the interview of the Zune or Windows Mobile versus the iPod and iPhone respectively. Methinks somebody is projecting some fear.

Weapon of Choice

My Apple – PowerBook G4 15-inch laptop is my weapon of choice for computing for one simple reason: it gets out of my way and let’s me accomplish what I want to do. Unlike the Windoze machines I use or have used in the past, descriptions like “plug-n-play” and “it just works” actually apply.

My Apple – PowerBook G4 15-inch laptop is my weapon of choice for computing for one simple reason: it gets out of my way and let’s me accomplish what I want to do. Unlike the Windoze machines I use or have used in the past, descriptions like “plug-n-play” and “it just works” actually apply.
The best part is how it takes care of the mundane stuff for me while allowing me to concentrate on details I care about. If I want Apache to launch, I can do it in as little as 4 clicks of my mouse. Now, that’s easy computing! I have the option dig into the Unix minutae to configure the web server and have done so when necessary. This is power of the platform: I’m not forced to use “wizards” that always seem to complicate rather than simplify or edit text files and memorize countless options.
Apple is that company that makes “Insanely Great” products, which is great for us users. Unfortunately, for Apple as a business this is not the standard by which profitability is guaranteed. In the business world, he who markets best gets to laugh…period.
These days, it’s still a matter of ideology. There are people who will run Windows no matter what pain they must endure and there are people who think that Apple will save the world. The more pragmatic of us, simply use the the tool that best suits our needs and tastes…in that order.