Snitches Get Stitches

USB Standards Group: Okay for Apple’s iTunes to Block Palm Pre | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD:

“But the USB-IF didn’t quite see things that way. ‘In the view of the USB-IF, Palm’s allegation (if true) does not establish that Apple is using its Vendor ID (VID) contrary to the USB-IF’s policies,’ the group said. ‘Therefore, under present USB-IF policies, the USB-IF does not consider the alleged use, without more, to be ‘improper.’’
Ugly news for Palm, and it only gets worse–because the USB-IF goes on to suggest that Palm itself is violating its Membership Agreement by using Apple’s vendor ID number to disguise the Pre as an Apple device.”

(Via Digital Daily.)


AppleInsider | Palm Pre beats expectations, drops WiMo to focus on WebOS

AppleInsider | Palm Pre beats expectations, drops WiMo to focus on WebOS:

“Part of that strategy involves dumping any distractions, including both the company’s original Palm OS and the Windows Mobile partnership that Palm forged with Microsoft in 2006, a year before Rubinstein arrived. Palm’s support for Windows Mobile helped nearly double Microsoft’s market share at the time.”

(Via Apple Insider.)

I really hope this works out for them. WebOS looks mad cool.

How to Not to Take Privacy Seriously

Palm Pre debacle highlights location privacy issues | Security | iPhone Central | Macworld:

“On Wednesday mobile application developer Joey Hess wrote in his blog that the Pre periodically uploads location data to Palm. He was widely quoted, and the information left some readers upset.”

(Via Macworld.)


Daring Fireball: Palm Saturday

Daring Fireball: Palm Saturday:

“So while the comparisons between the Pre and iPhone are obvious and inevitable, I think the Pre stands a much stronger chance of stealing customers away from RIM than from Apple. For as good as the Pre is, and I’m convinced it is excellent, it just doesn’t have much to offer that would sway someone considering an iPhone. But for someone considering a BlackBerry, the Pre might look very sweet: a big bright screen, a beautiful modern user interface design, a kick-ass mobile web browser, and, yes, a hardware keyboard. The Pre is the BlackBerry Bold done right.”

(Via Daring Fireball.)
