AppleInsider | Steve Ballmer calls Apple’s Mac growth a “rounding error”

AppleInsider | Steve Ballmer calls Apple’s Mac growth a “rounding error”:

“‘And are the ads working?’ he asked rhetorically. ‘In an independent survey, we asked 18- to 24-year-olds—or they were asked, ‘Who offers the best value, Apple or Microsoft?’ You can kind of see Apple was comfortably ahead despite the fact they — well, despite whatever the facts are. Our ads started in April of ’09. You can see kind of what the perception changes have been so far.'”

(Via AppleInsider.)

And that’s when you know Microsoft is speaking out of both sides of its mouth. Apple is beating them despite the ads. In other words, people don’t believe the hype.

Worth Every Penny

Mac vs. PC: What You Don’t Get for $699 – BusinessWeek:

“PC makers in the Windows camp have done everything possible to make their products progressively worse by cutting corners to save pennies per unit and boost sales volume. There’s good reason Apple is seeing healthy profits while grabbing market share. It refuses to budge on quality and so charges a higher price. Rather than running ads that seem clever at first but really aren’t, the Windows guys ought to take the hint and just build better computers.”

(Via BusinessWeek.)

How a $699 really costs $1500 but all you really get is $699 worth of computer.