Two on the Street Right Now

“Let me put this in perspective,” Biden said on Face the Nation. “There have been three people tried and convicted by the last administration in military courts. Two are walking the street right now. There have been over 300 tried in federal courts by the last administration and by us. They’re all in jail now. None of them are out seeing the light of day.”

We’re looking into Biden’s assertion that more than 300 people have been tried in federal courts and will post our findings soon.

Here, we are examining Biden’s assertion that three people were tried and convicted by the last administration in military commissions, and that two of three have been released

After consulting news reports and military documents, we discovered that Biden was correct. We also checked with experts who both support and oppose military commissions for various reasons, and no one disputed Biden’s numbers.

via PolitiFact | Two of three convicted in military commissions have been released.

You gotta love Joe for that soundbite!

The Party Mans Up

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today. The Rebs quickly criticized it in the same spirit of us losing the 2016 Olympics. Then comes this from the Dems:

“The Republican Party has thrown in its lot with the terrorists — the Taliban and Hamas this morning — in criticizing the President for receiving the Nobel Peace prize,” wrote DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse. “Republicans cheered when America failed to land the Olympics and now they are criticizing the President of the United States for receiving the Nobel Peace prize — an award he did not seek but that is nonetheless an honor in which every American can take great pride — unless of course you are the Republican Party. The 2009 version of the Republican Party has no boundaries, has no shame and has proved that they will put politics above patriotism at every turn. It’s no wonder only 20 percent of Americans admit to being Republicans anymore – it’s an embarrassing label to claim.”

I’m not one to cheer the Dems but I clapped…hard…when I read that.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Fact Check: Is Obama ‘palling around with terrorists’? « – Blogs from

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Fact Check: Is Obama ‘palling around with terrorists’? « – Blogs from

“Verdict: False. There is no indication that Ayers and Obama are now ‘palling around,’ or that they have had an ongoing relationship in the past three years. Also, there is nothing to suggest that Ayers is now involved in terrorist activity or that other Obama associates are.”

(Via CNN Political Ticker.)

Palin supporters call her “real.” My question is: Real what? Nasty? Liar? Honorless? A candidate for the presidency with terrorists? I can’t even say it without laughing.