How Glad Are You That John McCain Isn’t Your President?

Reposted from TNC.

How Glad Are You That John McCain Isn’t Your President?:

“This glad, ‘my friends.’ Check out this exhibit in pettiness and condescension. You are watching a man obstinately etch his name on the wrong page of history. It’s amazing how all the high talk about respecting the opinions of the military disappears, when you don’t actually like those opinions.


(Via Ta-Nehisi Coates :: The Atlantic.)

Unbelievable.  He’s vying well for a place with McCarthy and Wallace in history.  Sad.

God, these people annoy me

Back to that clueless bumper sticker. Let me rewrite it in ways that have a greater basis in American history:

“The last time we mixed religion and politics, we got Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

via God, these people annoy me | WHYY News and Information | WHYY.

Exactly.  You can’t inveigh against bigotry and ignorance by being bigoted and ignorant.