As Mayor, Palin Used Funding Ploy She Now Decries : NPR

As Mayor, Palin Used Funding Ploy She Now Decries : NPR:

“Under Gov. Palin, the state’s quest for federal earmarks has not slackened.
Also, during her tenure as mayor of Wasilla, the city hired its first Washington lobbyist to get earmarks.”

(Via NPR.)

As more details emerge, one wonders if this candidate was given an even cursory vetting. At a minimum, you shouldn’t flip flop on trademark issues. Wow.

Zig Zag Zell

Hey, I never said Republicans had a lock on flip flops! Here’s a clip from the Washington Post.

Here in President Bush’s convention city, Sen. Zell Miller (Ga.) is the Democrat Republicans love to love. Miller will be center stage as keynoter for Bush on Wednesday night, and Republican delegates can’t seem to thank him enough. [ – 2004 Election]

The Flip Flopper Candidate…Bush?!

President Bush: Flip-Flopper-In-Chief – Center for American Progress
I found this hilarious and infuriating at the same time. Hypocrisy is a big pet peeve for me.
I’m reminded of one of my Republican friends who said something I really liked. He said that he would rather vote for a candidate who sticks to his principles, even if he disagrees, than one who flip-flops. Of course he was talking about Bush vs. Kerry. I wonder how he would feel after reading that list…