Obama’s speech to students has a precedent – CharlotteObserver.com

Obama’s speech to students has a precedent – CharlotteObserver.com:

“‘We’ve been working to take an economy that was in bad shape and get it moving and growing again; take our national defense and make it first-rate again after a long period of decline; and to restore reason, respect and reality to our foreign policy,’ the president says. ‘And I think it’s fair to say that we’ve made a good deal of progress.’
You [Constant Reader] were also right about [Obama] trying to indoctrinate the children of America into his cult of personality. Listen to this: ‘We want to make your future better, because tomorrow belongs to you. And since you’re the leaders of tomorrow, I wanted to talk to all of you as a friend about the things you’ll have to do to ensure a prosperous nation and a peaceful world.’
So in conclusion, it’s clear that President Obama – wait a second. This isn’t President Obama.
It was President Ronald Reagan, back in 1986.

(Via The Charlotte Observer.)

Once again we have clear evidence to ignore the right. Talk about double standard!

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